Eco Friendly Dry CleaningShirtland is an industry leader in environmental responsibility. We use state-of-the-art technology to ensure your clothes are cleaned and packaged in an environmentally responsible way. Here are some of the areas where we are focusing on environmental stewardship.
ServicesHours of OperationMonday to Friday: 6am-4pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday Location |
Dry Cleaning and Wet CleaningWe dry clean clothing in a state-of-the-art EcoGreen dry cleaning machine that uses EcoSolv® cleaning solution. We use the latest wet cleaning washers and dryers with moisture and agitation controls to professionally wet clean garments.
PackagingAlthough it’s necessary to protect your clothing from dust and wrinkling with plastic bags, the ones we use are 100% Biodegradable.
HangersWe re-use or recycle any hangers that are returned to us.
Water and Energy UseAt Shirtland, we go beyond eco-friendly cleaning and try to conserve resources by limiting our water and energy usage.